We went on a "Religious Diversity Journey" with 120 7th graders!

Hello everyone!!

Merry Christmas Adam!

This week was so awesome. We had some really great experiences!!

On Tuesday we had our Christmas zone conference. It was really fun! They talked a lot about area visions and planning. The best part was when President and Sister Sorensen performed for us. They played the fiddle, the guitar, and sang. It was so good!! I love them so much.

President gave my comp and I a special assignment this week. We had the opportunity to help the Westland Stake with a special project. In Detroit there is a program called "Religious Diversity Journey." 120 7th graders go around to different churches and learn about them. They wanted 2 missionaries to attend, and we got to go. It reminded me of the job I had in my first semester at USU. It was so fun!! We taught the kids about mission life. Hopefully, when they see us on the street or get a knock on their door they will know who we are :)

Campus is dead, so we've been working part of our District Leader's area. It's been fun to be back in a family area! We've seen some amazing miracles.

On Friday's we do weekly planning at the institute in Ann Arbor. To save miles, we decided to work on U of M in the morning. While there we felt prompted to walk down a certain street. On that street we spoke to two people who were interested in learning more! One was a man named C. While getting to know him, we discovered that he's from Chile and he did his undergrad at USU. While there, he made friends with a member. He went to church once and read a little bit of the Book of Mormon. He never met with missionaries, but he said he really liked it! He now studies business at the U of M and is very interested in receiving the missionary lessons. We are teaching him this week, and he's excited.

On Friday night we drove to a trailer park. Our plans were to stop by a former and to tract it. When we got there, I felt a sinking feeling. I knew it wasn't where we needed to be. After sitting on it for a couple doors, I told my comp. We left and went to a small apartment complex down the road. The third door was opened by a women named N. We said "hi! We are missionaries for Jesus Christ. And she replied: "How do I get into heaven?! Please come in." 

We went inside and got to know her a little bit.  She's from Detroit and is a single mom. She has a sincere desire to make it back to Heavenly Father. We knew the Plan of Salvation was what we needed to talk about. As soon as I said the words "plan of salvation" the spirit hit the room like a ton of bricks. She had tears in her eyes before hearing what the plan was even about! By the time we left, she thanked us for coming. She said she needs what we have!! She's excited to keep learning.
I am so grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost. The Lord really does speak to his missionaries!!

Yesterday, we had a day full of finding. On Saturday we were driving down the road and we saw a nice looking apartment complex. We both received a prompting to go there. After church, that's exactly where we went. It was AMAZING. We met so many amazing people and we have some cool return appointments set up.

There are a few other miracles I could talk about, but I know you have a life haha. This is truly the work of the Lord. There are people who have been prepared and they are waiting to hear the message. It's the 11th hour and the time is now!! Don't ever be afraid to share what you know. Someone might need the spirit that comes from YOUR testimony.

Christmas is in a couple days (YAY!) and I want to share my testimony of Christ. His birth was one of the most important days in history. That day changed the world forever. The promised Messiah was finally here!! He set the perfect example. He established his church and he performed his atonement. Without his birth we wouldn't have peace, joy, or forgiveness.
He is the reason for the season. Choose to make him your favorite gift. He gave everything for you. What will you give back to him? What is holding you back from knowing him?
Give those things to him and promise that you'll strive to be better in 2020. He doesn't expect you to be perfect, but as you strive the blessings will follow!!!

I love you all!
Have a very merry Christmas!!

Sister Sarah Sedlacek
