Look to Him and Live

Hello everyone!!

I hope you had a merry Christmas!

This week was really good. It was really fun to celebrate my last Christmas as a full-time missionary (CRAZY). We had district council and it was fun to spend time with the other missionaries! We also did some caroling with the sisters. That was fun too. If you ever want free food, go carolling haha.

Also, the weather has been amazing. We've had 40's and 50's for the past week. I've loved it so much, but I'm also scared for the negative 20 temps to come back hahahaha send prayers

We saw a lot of cool miracles this week.

I'll update you on our friend C. He's the one from Chile (my brother in law's mission) who went to school at USU :) We had an amazing lesson with him on Thursday. We had planned to teach the full restoration, but ended up focusing a lot on prophets. When talking about President Nelson we showed him a picture. He immediately got out of his seat to get as close to the picture as he could. The only word that came out of his mouth was "wow". I then felt prompted to show him the testimony of Wendy Nelson video and the spirit was very strong. As it ended, he spoke about the peace it brought to his mind and heart. He left the lesson feeling very excited to keep learning. We are teaching him again tonight , and are planning to invite him to baptism. We are excited!!

On Saturday and Sunday we did A LOT of tracting... like 10 hours worth. It was so so so fun. We went to this complex that the Elders call "hoodplex"...We drive past it a lot and it's been calling my name for the last 6 weeks haha. I'm really glad they let us go because we saw so many good things.
On Saturday night we knocked on K's door. After telling her who we were, she gave us hugs and shut us down. As we were getting ready to walk away, we asked who she knew who might be interested, and the man sitting behind her said HE was interested! She let us in and everything changed.
We sat down and began sharing a bit about the Book of Mormon and prophets. As we spoke, it was obvious that K's heart was softening. Because of the Holy Ghost. A smile came across her face and she thanked us for coming!! She is coming to church next week and her friend H is being taught by the Ann Arbor 1st sisters. It was a huge miracle!!
We met many others in the so called "hoodplex" (honestly not even that "hood" haha). We got into many doors and picked up a few new people to teach. I say it every week, but I'm grateful for the guidance of spirit!!!!

I've been studying in the war chapters and the spirit has taught me a lot of cool things.
I'll share a quick verse that taught me a lot. It says "But behold, the Nephites were not slow to remember the Lord their God in this their time of affliction. They could not be taken in their snares;..."

Obviously, this verse is talking about the Nephites being kept safe from the shares of the Lamanites, but it is really applicable to us. Satan is working harder than he ever has. He understands that the Savior is coming soon and He is doing everything he can to make sure that we aren't ready for it.
This verse teaches that as we are quick to REMEMBER the Lord, we will not get caught in his snares. 

I have a strong testimony of that truth. Never stop doing the little things that remind you of the Savior. Keep the commandments and follow the prophet. Heavenly Father wants to keep you safe!! He has a reason and a blessing tied to every single commandment. As it says In the scriptures, "Look to him and live". It will bring you peace and joy.

The Savior is coming so soon and there is no time like the present. Set some goals for 2020!! Focus on growing closer to him. Put him first and everything will fall into place :)

Love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek
