Adventures in Urgent Care: Updated #ripburparama

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Hello everybody!!

My week was pretty much amazing and then it took a turn for the worse...

I'll tell you all the good stuff first:) don't read ahead haha.
We have seen SO many miracles this week! It was probably the most successful week we've had for finding in a while! 

First person update you on... C! Do you remember her??? She's {new convert} J's former girlfriend. We taught her a couple of times back in September and then she decided to drop us. However, one day this week we were praying and her name came to my mind. I knew we needed to text her, so we did! Minutes later she responded telling us that she wanted to meet! We had a lesson scheduled for Saturday but ended up having to cancel. She was super understanding and still super eager to meet. We have a lesson scheduled for tonight at 8pm!! I already love her so much and I'm so excited for the chance to teach her again!

Next we have J. He's an older Black American vet. He's way cool!!! There is a miracle behind meeting him as well.... on Friday we went to Kroger like normal. As we were walking out of the store I saw J and knew we needed to talk to him... oh I was dumb and shrugged off the feeling because we were running behind schedule. We left the parking lot without talking to him.
Fast forward a few hours... for some reason we went back to Kroger. The first person I saw was J!!!! We immediately went up to talk to him and he is SUPER interested!! Man I am so grateful that Heavenly Father gave us another chance to talk to him and I'm never shrugging off a prompting again. He has heard about the BOM before and really wants to start reading. We have a lesson scheduled with him for tomorrow!

We also have S! He's a guy that we found while tracting a few days ago. He was busy when we knocked so we didn't get to teach him then, but we have an appointment scheduled with him tonight!!

We also met and taught a couple of other older ladies this week. Their names are B and J. Not much to say about them because they dropped us, but I am still grateful we got to meet them. Hearing about their faith strengthened my own!

L is still doing super good and we are going to the temple on the 26th of this month! I AM SO EXCITED FOR HER! ahhh it's gonna be amazing.

N isn't letting us do too much. The most he lets us do is talk to him over the phone, but his ministering brother has had him over for dinner and is taking good care of him.
I am so grateful for our amazing ward members!!

Now for the bad part....
On Friday night as I was going to sleep I noticed that my chest felt a lil' bit weird. I shrugged it off and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and was feeling great! I exercised as normal and started getting ready for the day. I sat down to read my scriptures and I realized that my heart was beating very fast and that I had some mild chest pains. I took my pulse and it was at 82.... that was concerning because my normal is about 60.
We decided to call the mission nurse. She said to stay in the next couple of hours to relax and watch my heart rate. I did everything I could to get my heart rate down but over those 2 hours, it only got higher.. it was up to 87. We called her again and she sent us to the Urgent Care. We spent a few hours there. They listened to my heart and my lungs and said it sounded clear.
They decided to do an EKG... good news! Everything came out normal from that:) my heart is in good condition from what we know now.
They also took my blood and sent it to the hospital. The results from those are supposed to come back sometime today or tomorrow morning.
The doc seemed to be concerned that it has something to do with my thyroid.
Since Saturday, I've still been in pain and my heat rate still fast. I got super close to going to the ER at one point... luckily that didn't happen haha.

Because of my pain, they have forced us to stay in instead of going out to work. That's why we had to cancel C's lesson on Saturday evening. :/ 

President Cleveland's counselor is a surgeon and has some friends. He called in today and gave his friend our phone number. So at some point today, I will be going in to get checked out by him.
On Saturday night I had the DL give me a blessing. It was SUPER comforting. I am so grateful for the priesthood power!!
The news has gotten spread around to my district, the STL, the ZL, and the AP's. They have all been super awesome. They keep texting and calling to see how I'm doing and they are praying for me.
I am so grateful for all the amazing people I get to serve with out here. They have become some of my greatest friends!

So long story short... I'm not 100% we don't know why, but we will soon!

This week I've been studying in Mosiah. In chapter 3 over and over again it says that it's only IN and THROUGH the atonement of Jesus Christ that we can receive eternal life. The words in and through stuck out to me. A lot of the time our minds go straight to the word because. The words in and through remind us that we have to act. We have to actually USE the atonement everyday if we want to receive all the blessings that come from it. 
I want to share my testimony that I know the atonement is real. I know without a doubt in my mind that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. It's through him that we can be saved and return to our loving Heavenly Father. Through him our guilt and sorrow are swept away. Through him we can feel peace joy and happiness.
I love him. I know he lives!

Thanks for all the love and support!!

Love you!

Sister Sedlacek

Got an update from Sister Sedlacek on Tuesday the 15th:

Hey fam bam! 

Sis Cleveland gave me permission to send an email and let you know what's up! 

We got my blood work back this morning... good news! Everything is normal. No thyroid issues yay 

I went to the doctor this afternoon. He did some more tests and we came to the conclusion that I have what's called; "reproducile and musculoskeletal discomfort". Which basically means I have been putting way too much pressure on my chest wall.  Apparently 200 burpees everyday is too many burpees for my bod to handle lol 🤷‍♀🙊#ripburparama 

I am not allowed to do any upper body lifting or workouts for the next 5 days and I should be good! :) 

Thanks for the prayers! You can respond to let me know you got this:) 

Love you all!! 

Sister Sedlacek 
