Happy New Year!

Hey everyone!!

Okay so my week was GREAT:)

First of all, seeing my family on Christmas was awesome!! I hope you all had an amazing day as well. :)

Wow, so many miracles happened this week!!
L is doing fantastic!! We started family history with her this week to help her find names for the temple in a couple weeks and it was awesome! She is seriously SO excited for the temple and it's amazing to see!!

The most exciting news... J AND M and their family ARE ON DATE!!!!!!! January 26th... best half birthday ever lol.
We brought them treats on Christmas but they weren't home. We left them on the porch... and they texted us saying how grateful they were for them! We met with them on Thursday night and oh my goodness it was one of the most spirit filled lessons I've ever been in. I honestly don't even know what to say about it! We reviewed the restoration and then taught the first part of the plan of salvation:) it was awesome!

We didn't meet any solid new friends this week but that's okay! We are gonna keep working hard to find them!! :)

We met with President on Wednesday. When we aren't in the room with him, we receive instruction from the APs. It's always super fun! This time we talked about the importance of inviting to baptism and setting up daily contact in the first or second lesson with someone. It sets our expectations and allows us to resolve concerns quicker. We did some role plays and it was really good!
President always gives great counsel! He was telling me that he already knows who the new president is and that it will be announced on Jan 19th. That's so crazy. I'm gonna miss the Clevelands SO MUCH! They go home at the end of June... if you happen to find your way down to Fresno California go to their homecoming talk for me haha. They are amazing, but I trust that the new president is also inspired and that I have plenty of things to learn from him as well!

We also went to the "Why I believe" devotional. The mission holds one every month. They invite different recent converts from around the mission to share their conversion story to those who are still investigating the church.
Both L and J were invited to speak. L went out of town to visit family, but J was here and he spoke! It was awesome! He talked about how the gospel has blessed his life and how he felt Heavenly Father leading him to it for a long time... it was just up to him to dive in and swim.
It was great to follow up with him on how things are going. He is going to the temple in January as well, and is very interested in serving a mission and getting his patriarchal blessing.

I also spoke in sacrament meeting! They asked me on Saturday night haha... oh the life of a missionary. I had to speak on the joys I've felt as I've shared the gospel and how it's strengthened my conversion! I have a new found love of teaching and speaking at church haha. (Maybe it will subside once I'm not a missionary?) So I was very grateful for the opportunity.
For part of my talk I shared a promise that is listed to us in the first presidency message of PMG. It says; "More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children". I have a testimony of that promise because I've experienced nothing less. I know it's something we can all experience as we follow the counsel of the prophet and LIVE the gospel in this new and more holy way.

This week I learned something that will change the way I view missionary work for the rest of my mission. I was studying in chapter 10 of PMG. That chapter is all about learning how to teach.
In our mission we talk a lot about becoming master teachers and how to do it. I was thinking about that and I read the first paragraph on the first page. It says;
"Teaching is central to everything you do. You develop Christlike attributes, study the missionary lessons, improve your ability to speak in your mission language, and rely on the Spirit in order to teach with convincing power". 
It hit me!!! As we learn how to become master teachers we become master people!
It says in the paragraph that as we learn how to teach; we develope Christlike attributes, we study, we improve in our ability to speak and rely on the spirit. Those same things are what bring our lives in closer harmony to the Savior and his teachings. 
As we become master teachers, we become master people. I would encourage you all to study Preach My Gospel. I promise that it will strengthen your testimony and remind you of the things you know. It will help you as you teach your children, and you will be an example to your family.
I would also encourage each of you to share your testimony out loud. Even if it's just to yourself. There is an amazing power that comes as we speak the words we know to be true. I promise that it will bless you and anyone who hears it.

Now for what's happening to me this week.... Sister Loveland leaves tomorrow morning. Since she leaves 2 days before transfers I will be in a trio with Ann Arbor 2nd ward sisters. We are going to be covering both areas Tuesday and Wednesday.
Transfer calls are on Tuesday... don't send anything here this week! Due to some things said in interviews and such, there's a chance I'm leaving! :( my district thinks I'm training again... white wash training
I might post a story on FB if I get transfered so keep an eye out :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek 

**Mom's Note--we learned since this email that Sister Sedlacek is training another new missionary, but remaining in Ann Arbor!**
