Questions are a GOOD thing.

Hello everyone!!

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! :)

My week was good and cold! If you know me you know how I feel about snow and winter haha... this weather isn't my favorite but I can honestly say, I've never been SO freezing and SO happy at the same time!! My nose hairs even froze haha! The cold here is so different from cold in Utah. The wind chill and the humidity makes it go right through you... No matter the amount of layers you put on. this morning it was -8 with wind chill of -25... but on the plus side, it's sunny today!! Pretty much the first sunny day in a week and a half:)

My chest pain got better each day, and now it doesn't hurt at all today:) I'm finally to the point where I'm allowed to exercise for real again! Yay!! Thanks for all the prayers!!

We saw lots of miracles this week and I am so grateful!!

Per usual, I was praying this week to have guidance on where to go/what to do. Before I even ended my prayer I had a name pop into my mind:
B. He was a potential friend we had a few weeks ago who stopped answering our phone calls/texts. I felt like we should text him... so we did. He immediately answered and said he was interested! We taught him that day and it went so well. He grew up Baptist and said the restoration makes way more sense than anything he's ever heard before! We asked him to be baptized and he literally thanked us for asking!? Ahhh what? He is on Date for Feb. 16th! Seriously--"all glory be to God." This work is impossible without him! I am so humbled every time he allows me to meet these people that are so prepared to hear the message.

Next is C. Oh my heck, I love her!! We met on Monday and she is awesome!! We didnt get to teach a whole lot because she wanted to get us caught up on her life. But we did teach BOM and P2K. She committed to read and pray and is excited to come to church! We won't be meeting with her in person this week because she's on vacation but hopefully we can do some video call lessons (the blessings of smart phones)!

We also have J, the cool old veteran we met. We are meeting with for the first time tonight! He has already heard a lil' bit about the BOM and is super excited to get his hands on a copy.

L is still doing wonderful! We are going to the temple for baptisms this Saturday!! Yay!!! She's pumped and I'm pumped for her!

N still isn't doing too hot. Pray for him please! :)

Did you hear that the new mission President has been announced?! His name is Howard Sorensen. They are from Oakley and are super excited to get here. They will arrive on July 1st!! It's crazy because the mission is going to have pretty much a complete turn around. When the new guy gets here I'll be at my 11 month mark and according to President I'll be one of the oldest missionaries in the mission! Most everyone is going home within the next 4 to 5 transfers so the mission will be very young. Kinda exciting!!

My testimony of the power of repentance was strengthened this week. Since coming out on my mission, I've gained a testimony/habit of repenting DAILY. This is something I wish I would have been better at when I was home because it's changed my life and has given me a real relationship with Christ. this past week I felt I was lacking in my efforts and came up with the goal to repent immediately after making a mistake instead of waiting till my night prayer. It changed everything for me. The influence of the spirit was SO much stronger this week and I felt that I was truly being obedient.
I know without a doubt in my mind that Jesus Christ is our Savior. He LOVES us. He suffered for US. He died and rose again for US. As we rely on him and use his atonement everyday we will feel the spirit. Our guilt and sorrow will be swept away. We will feel Heavenly Fathers forgiveness and love.
I can promise you that you can never go beyond the reach of his light. It's imposible. If you hit rock bottom, I promise you that Christ will be at rock bottom with you. He understands you better than you understand yourself. As we follow him, we find ourselves.

I learned a couple of things this week:

1. I learned that humility allow us to be learned in the ways of eternity. Humility leads to a soft heart and a soft heart opens the door to further revelation and light.

2. I learned that questions are a GOOD thing and that Heavenly Father puts them into our minds for reason. They allow us to learn and discover. It's our job to not let them scare us into doubt.

3. I learned of the power of prayer. Prayer is amazing!!! As soon as we say the words "dear Heavenly Father" he is there and he is listening. You can always count on him. Pray and let him know that he can count on you.

I hope you all have a blessed week!
Thank you so much for everything!
I love you all!

Sister Sedlacek 

Sorry didn't take many pictures this week! But here's a video about the cold! :) Mom's note: We had to laugh at the classic Sarah comments in this video. Stuff like, "There's not even fake ice on the car," and "I've never had cold bones before!" lol
