It's still freezing!

Hi everyone!!

I hope you all had a fantastic week!

My week was really good! We saw miracles and had fun!

First off, I hope you all enjoy the warm weather for me haha! It's really cold over here in Michigan! We've had freezing rain (leaves ice sheets everywhere), snow, and everything else haha.

L is doing great but we had to move the temple up to this week. Due to the weather (they don't plow the roads here at all), she wasn't able to go and get her temple recommend last week. But good news, she met with the bishop yesterday and officially has it!! We are all very excited for this weekend!! Nothing compares to the feelings I get when I'm in the temple. I am excited to go back and see her experience it for the first time!

Our friend J is also doing so good as well!! Holy crap he's so cool. He's 75ish years old and he's a veteran. He has so many crazy life experiences... He even wrote a book about his life. He is giving us a copy of it. We can't read it so I'll send it home and you can learn all about him. :)
In one of our lessons this week we were following up on how reading and praying about the Book of Mormon was going. Here was his response; "I'm a psychologist and I understand all of my feelings. When I read the Book of Mormon, I feel different than I've ever felt before. I can't even describe it". He has a testimony of it already! In the same lesson, we invited him to be baptized. His date is Feburary 23rd! He immediately went home and put it on the calendar :')
He was super nervous to attend church yesterday but went anyway and ended up absolutely loving it! He goes to Kroger and hands out ballons to little kids (he's like a way cooler version of the UP movie man lol) our ward members already know him and they love him! he will be a great addition to the ward!

We picked up another new friend this week as well! His name is D. He is so awesome! We met him at the gas station and taught him on the spot. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and he committed to read it. We met with him the next day and wow! coolest experience:
As we were in the lesson, he got a phone call saying that his aunt just passed away!! He was super distraught but the spirit was strong. We were able to testify to him of eternal families and he said; "thank you so much. I love everything you said". We are meeting with him again this week and he committed to church this Sunday!

Our friend B is still progressing towards baptism on the 16th and is doing well. He literally accepts everything like it's not hard at all!!!

We have another friend named G. He's so cool and finding him was a miracle!!
We went to Young Mens on Wednesday and led them in a missionary activity. At the end we invited everyone to pray for missionary opportunities.
Fast forward to the next morning at 10 am... We get a call from one of the leaders. He said; "Well sisters, you told us to pray for missionary opportunities and I have a referral for you". G is one of his co-workers. We taught him for a few minutes on his porch the other day and gave him a copy of the Bible and the Book of Mormon.  He committed to read and we are meeting with him and Bro. S on Wednesday evening! :)

We also had interviews with President and it was great...It's always fun when your mission President hands you his wallet and the keys to his car and tells you to go pick him up some stuff haha. :)

I was reading in Hebrews chapter 11. (This is a chapter I definitely recommend). Verse 25 talking about Moses; "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season"
Footnote A to verse 40 says; "God having provided some better things for them through their sufferings, for without sufferings they could not be made perfect".
when we have faith through our sufferings (trials) we receive blessings and will one day be made perfect. Moses had an understanding of that principle and is a great testimony of it!
I continued my studies and turned over to Ether chapter 12. I learned that even Christ who had a perfect understanding of our Heavenly Father's plan had to act in FAITH in order to fulfill his part.
That was amazing for me to think about!! If Christ who is perfect, had to act in faith, how much more faith do we need to have?
Faith is SO important. It is the thing that allows us to fulfill our true potential.

Thanks for all the support!! Let me know if there is anything I can pray for!

Love you all!

Sister Sedlacek
