Training, round 2

hello hello hello! 

I hope you all had a fantastic new year celebration! 

My week was crazy! I doubt I will have another week like this on my mission.

It'll probably be easiest just to go through each day individually so I can cover everything I want to.

MONDAY: it was p-day!! Because sister Loveland was headed for South America, we spent a lot of the day packing up her stuff. We did go to Target. That was fun haha:) we also packed up some of my stuff cuz I wasn't going to be in the apartment for the next few days.

TUESDAY: at 8 am the Ann Arbor 2nd sisters picked us up to take sister Loveland to the airport. The Detroit airport is huge!! We got lost about 3 times and when we finally found Sis Cleveland we were 30 minutes late... whoops haha. As soon as we found her, we found out that Sister L's flights were cancelled but that they were getting her on new flights. We took pictures, said our goodbyes, and left back for home! I had officially begun my trio time. My new companions were sister Denham and sister Callister. We were together for a few hours and then I got a call from.... sister Loveland! Her flights got cancelled again and her new flight was scheduled for Wednesday at 6am. Sister Cleveland sent us back to the airport to go and pick her up... so that's what we did. We spent the afternoon walking around the airport! We finally found her and then drove back to Ann Arbor.
After we returned, the 4 of us (so weird) had a lesson with the AA2 recent convert. His name is M and he has some short term memory loss, but he is hilarious and I love him!
It's pretty difficult to do any finding when you have a group of 4... so we drove to the stores and split up to get some more spts.
We got home and had TRANSFER CALLS! Aka the most stressful call of your life haha. I found out that I was staying in Ann Arbor! Woooohoooo i was so stoked about that! I love it here!

WEDNESDAY: we woke up at 2 am to take sister Loveland back to the airport! Her flights finally worked and she was actually leaving this time! We returned home at 4 and went back to bed haha. Sister Cleveland told us to sleep in and get our 8 hours of sleep:) we woke up at 8:30 and got ready super fast, did planning and studies, and then we went to district meeting. After DM we did some finding and started visiting some of the AA2nd members so Sis Callister could say goodbye. Then I got the 2nd most stressful call of my life... the leadership call! President called to tell me he wanted me to train again! I accepted the call and mentally prepared myself for my new lil trainee haha. Due to the situation of my last trainee I had no idea what to expect!
Also we had a super Cool miracle! I got a call from a random dude named B. He informed me that he was very interested in coming to church and that he wanted to know what time it started at!? Whaaaaa so cool. Just like that we had a brand new PI:)
THURSDAY aka TRANSFER day!! At 9am we drove up to Southfield to go meet our new comps! I went into the trainer meeting and picked up my new little missionary! Her name is Sister Mattson! She is from Utah. She's 20 and has been going to school at UVU. She's a great missionary and is ready to work hard! I'm super excited for the next couple of transfers! 

That night we taught J and M! They were doing super good and expressed to us how much they enjoyed reading the BOM and meeting with us. We thought all was well and on Sunday instead of coming to church they sent us a text that said they feel comfortable in their Catholic religion and don't want to change or meet with us anymore :/. It was super sad!!

We did a lot of finding and tracting:) we met some cool potentials both days but so far none have turned into progressing yet.
Our area is now in square one! We are In the process of building up our teaching pool again. Its kinda an exciting time! Please pray that as we continue to work hard, we will see miracles and be led to find those who are prepared:)

The first day of 2 hour church! I'm so excited about this!! The members have been way more willing to let us into their homes to teach them lessons and help in their missionary work. It's making a huge difference for us so far!
We also got a new ward mission leader and he is awesome!!! He's seriously like the dream Ward Mission Leader. He wants to be super involved and has plans to change missionary work in the ward! It's going to be an amazing thing to be apart of! 

This week I learned a lot from the scriptures. In my studies I can across a scripture in D&C. It's chapter 18 verse 15. "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be ONE soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father". Tomorrow I hit my 5 month mark!!! The soul it talks about in that scripture is not one of the people I am blessed to watch enter the waters of baptism. That one soul is, ME! 1 Nephi Chapter 8 verse 7 says; "and it came to pass that as I followed him, I beheld myself".
Heavenly Father allows us to serve and to minister because he wants us to learn how to have the Character of Christ. We don't draw closer to him by focusing on ourselves, we draw closer to him by looking outward to others.
We come to know ourselves when we aren't focusing on ourselves.
My mission has changed me in the best way and I never want to go back to who I was before I got here. 

One of my new goals is to listen to a conference talk as I get ready in the morning. I listened to "Divine Discontent" and I loved something she said;
"Have you ever felt your talents and gifts were too small for the task ahead? I have. But you and I can give what we have to Christ, and He will multiply our efforts. What you have to offer is more than enough—even with your human frailties and weaknesses—if you rely on the grace of God. The truth is that each of us is one generation away from Deity—each is a child of God. And just as He has done with both prophets and ordinary men and women through the ages, so Heavenly Father intends to transform us".
I have a testimony of that. Heavenly Father intends to transform us. He wants us to become as he is and WILL help us get there. It takes effort and patience but as we rely on him he will turn us into who need to be! 

Thank you all for the support! let me know if there is anything i can do to help you:)

Love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
