"I don't understand the meaning to life. I want to know why we are here."

Hello everyone!!

I am doing so great. We had a wonderful week here in Ypsi.

The highlight of the week happened on Saturday. L was baptized!!! It was such a special day. He was so happy and bore an amazing testimony at the end. I'm so grateful for the chance I've had to know him. He has a pure testimony and the strongest desire to follow the Savior. He taught me how to have stronger faith. He doesn't understand everything, but he has a strong testimony of the basics. He relies on the things he knows and is so excited to learn about the things he doesn't. He is very patient with Heavenly Father and his timing. He is an amazing example of Christ and I wish you could meet him.

We had a lot of fun in our finding this week. Campus is the best place to serve because all we do is street contacting :)

We were walking around campus and we met a dude named T. As we spoke he really opened up about his life and relationship with God. He said that he's gone a long time with unanswered questions. I asked what those questions were and he said: "I don't understand the meaning to life. I want to know why we are here." 

T's face lit up as we testified of the plan of salvation! He was instantly excited and ready to learn more. We set up a return appointment and it went very well! We are teaching him again tonight and he's super excited. There is nothing better than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father has given us everything we need to know:')

We are also teaching a way cool member referral!
His name is A and he's met with missionaries before. He lost contact when things got busy and has decided that its time to take the lessons again. He loves our church and pretty much lives the commandments already. He comes to the institue each week and is watching Conference with us this weekend!

On Friday we had interviews with President Sorenson. They were awesome! President Sorenson is so inspired. I'm convinced that he's a big reason why I came to the MDM. I've learned things from him (and sister Sorensen) that have changed the rest of my mission and my life. I love them so much!!

For my spiritual thought this week I want to leave you a couple questions that were PMG inspired.
If Heavenly Father were to introduce you to a big group of people, what would he say right now?
What would you hope he'd say, and what are you going to change to ensure that happens?

Those are questions that I've thought a lot about this week. They've allowed me to receive revelation and have helped me to set goals for the remainder of my mission. I would encourage you to ponder on them. Write down your thoughts and pray for the spirit's guidance. Act on the promptings you receive and you will draw closer to Him.

I also want to encourage you to prepare for General Conference! Come with questions and listen with the spirit. President Nelson, the Quorum of the twelve, and the other general authorities are inspired of God. They will speak the words that Heavenly Father has prepared for YOU. 

One of my favorite scriptures about prophets is Mosiah 3:13. Follow the prophet!! He points the way back to Heavenly Father and will never lead you astray. You will never be disappointed for following him because of the joy it will bring.

I love you all!
Happy conference!! 🙏🏾❤

Sister Sedlacek 
