Jesus Christ truly understands everything we go through

Hello hello Hello!

Happy first day of FALL! I'm so pumped to be back around Ann Arbor for this beautiful season.

My week was full of so much happiness!!! I LOVE this area. Here's a few experiences.

I'll first give you an update on one of our recent converts. I've seen J a few times this week at institute and he's doing super awesome! He received his Patriarchal blessing and got the Melchizedek priesthood yesterday. He's going to the temple very soon and I'm super excited for him!!
I love watching others progress in the gospel and feel the joy :')

We had an amazing lesson with L this week. He was struggling to feel the spirit and accept tithing. We spoke with our district leader about it, and he told us to take him to the temple grounds. We thought it was a great idea, so yesterday we did it. When we got to the grounds we asked L how he felt. He said it made him feel very peaceful and holy. He then asked if he could say a personal prayer and the spirit was so strong!! He had a great experience praying and then we taught all about temples. It was so cool!!! He understood so well and really felt the importance of it. I love the temple so much.
At the end of the lesson, I felt prompted to ask him about tithing. He said; "I feel that it's 100% necessary and I'm willing to pay 10%". It was such a huge miracle!!
His baptism is coming up this Saturday and I am so excited for him. There is nothing better than watching someone make covenants with Heavenly Father.

We were walking around campus and met someone named D. He was interested in learning more so we set up an appointment. We taught him the next day and it was awesome. We went over the restoration and he was so engaged the whole time. When we extended the invitations he accepted all of them and was really excited to read and pray. After setting up the next appointment, we felt the strong impression to invite to baptism. It was a little out of order but we followed and he accepted. He is working towards October 19th. He came to church yesterday and loved it and we taught him again this morning:)

On Friday evening we had the lovely opportunity to take some of the recent converts to the temple to do baptisms for their first time. Before the trip we were working on their family history with them. A didn't have any info for her family and we weren't able to find a name from her line. She really wanted a name so I gave her one from our family. As I watched her get baptized I felt the spirit so strong. I knew that sister was in the room with us. My testimony of the temples and family history grew stronger. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who gives us many chances to try again.
I've been studying about the atonement of Jesus Christ a lot this week. I haven't really learned anything new, but my testimony has really been strengthened. Jesus Christ is so cool! I am seriously in awe of his sacrifice and I am so thankful for it. It's because of him that everything in this life and the next life is possible. He truly understands everything we go through. We never need to feel we are alone or unloved because we never are! 1 Nephi 19:9 is one of my favorite scriptures. Definitely look it up!

I have also been reading in the war chapters of Alma. The thing that has really stuck out to me this time is pride. Pride is the most destructive force in the universe. It's the root of everything that's opposite to Heavenly Father... especially contention. I really don't like contention. I've learned this week how awful it is. It's truly the thief of joy and peace. Do what you can to love others and always act in patience. It will eliminate contention and you will be a lot happier because of it.

I love you all!
Have an amazing week :)

Sister Sedlacek
