I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I left

Hello everyone! 

Wasn't general conference so amazing?! I hope you loved it as much as I did. 

I am doing fabulous and had an amazing week. 

Tomorrow is my 14 month mark!!! How do I feel? Well, I don't want to talk about it 😉😭😊 hahaha. I just can't believe it!!! It has gone by so fast. I love serving a mission and I don't want to come home! It's definitely the best decision I've ever made. I love my Savior and I really love serving him. Wearing his name on my chest is the greatest honor and joy. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I left, but I don't regret it. It's been hard, but so fulfilling and amazing. Serving a mission is one thing I would recommend to anyone. 

I'll give you a quick update on our friends!

T is doing amazing!!! He is progressing so quickly and loves the lessons we've taught so far. He also loves the Book of Mormon. After 1 week he's already made it into 2 Nephi. He watched conference yesterday and loved it. He accepted a date for baptism this week and is progressing towards the 9th of November. I won't be surprised if we move it up a week! He is already becoming converted to Christ. We had a very spiritual experience as we taught him about the atonement of Jesus Christ. We showed him the "Savior understands me" video by Elder Holland and it clicked for him. He realized during that video that he does have a Savior. He felt of his love for the first time in years! I love watching the spirit do its job. It is so humbling to see someone create a relationship with their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He truly is our Savior!!

We experienced a general conference miracle this week. One of the members brought their non-member cousin to watch with her :') the cousins name is V. We had a great conversation with her! She asked a lot of really good questions that led us into a super awesome on the spot lesson. She loved conference and is SUPER interested in learning more. She texted us this morning and shared a spiritual experience she had this morning as she realized that God is HER Heavenly Father. We are teaching her tomorrow and she's so excited. I'm grateful for the member who was willing to open her mouth. I'm also grateful that Heavenly Father blessed us to be the missionaries who got to meet her. She is amazing!!!

We've also connected with some former investigators that we will be teaching this week as well. Please pray that we will continue to find those who have been prepared. 

Now I'll talk about conference.
As I said before, I really loved it! I learned something from each and every talk that I can apply to my life.

I loved the talks that taught us of the importance of centering our lives in Jesus Christ. I learned that we need to be all in or all out. It's a choice we must make for ourselves. As we choose to be "all in" for Christ, we will feel "enduring joy" (they said that a lot and I love it). The scripture Helaman 5:12 really rung true for me.
The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us how to live life the way our Heavenly Father intended. It's in fact the only way to truly LIVE life.

I also really liked what President Nelson said in the women's session. I am so grateful for the priesthood. I've been able to gain a strong testimony of it as I've served. I do not hold the priesthood, but I've seen the authority that comes from it bless the lives of those I've taught. The priesthood is real! 

I would encourage you to study the talks that were given this past weekend. They contain the messages that Heavenly Father has for you. They will guide you through life during the next 6 months. I testify that Russell M. Nelson has been called of God. He stands firm as he points the way to the celestial kingdom. 

I love you all! 

Sister Sedlacek 
