The gospel isn't meant to be hard, it's meant to make life easier.

Hello everyone!!

***It's my dad's birthday on Thursday! Everyone wish him a happy day

My week was fantastic!! The work is picking up. We have a couple of solid friends who are progressing towards baptism!

First we have T. He is so cool. He's been reading in the Isaiah chapters of 2nd Nephi and he absolutely loves them?! He gained his testimony that this church is true because of those chapters. He was also able to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon this week. Yesterday he came to church early and walked around introducing himself to the members :') We taught him the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity this morning and he accepted both with no issues. I am so grateful we've had the chance to teach him!!!

Our friend V is also doing very well. She came to church yesterday and we had a lesson with her afterwards. It was one of those lessons where I was blessed to feel very strongly of Heavenly Father's love for her. The spirit was strong as we discussed. She has a testimony of the Book of Mormon and wants to be baptized. She has had many small miracles happen in her life over the past few weeks and it's lead her to know that she's in the right place.

Last night we had a cool miracle. Sunday night is the least effective time to be on campus... almost nobody is there. We put that thought behind us and went anyway. We met a couple of really cool people!! One was named B. We had a great conversation with him and when it got to the Book of Mormon he was like "I read that everyday! I love It." And I was like "wanna get baptized?" haha just kidding about that second part :) we are meeting with him again this week!

My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been strengthened this week... The principles of faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy ghost, and enduring to the end. Those are the 5 simple principles that lead to joy and success now and in the eternities. I didn't understand what the gospel was until I got to the MTC. Focusing on those 5 things wasn't something I knew how to do. The gospel isn't meant to be hard, it's meant to make life easier. In PMG chapter 1 it says; " it is the only way of living that will bring peace of conscience and enable Heavenly Father's children to return to live in his presence." D&C 25: 10 says; "And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better." The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us how to "lay aside the things of the world". It teaches us how to be successful. 

I would invite each of you to record your testimony of the gospel (5 principles). As you do, the spirit will guide your thoughts. You will know what to focus on and how to improve. As you follow the promptings your testimony will grow and you will be more prepared for the second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.

This week is going to be a fun one! We have zone conference with a general authority and on Saturday we are having a broadcast with Elder Ballard!! I'm super excited :)

I love you all. Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. I've been so blessed to know each of you!

Sister Sedlacek
