I hope I stay here til I "die" aka go home

Baking the Pillsbury cookies her Grandma Sed always baked for her. <3 

Hello everyone!!

My week was fantastic!! We didn't find any new friends to teach, but the ones we do have are progressing right along. I'm very grateful for them:')

First I'll talk about V. She is doing amazing!! Before she would accept a legit baptismal date she wanted to feel support from her parents. One day she was sitting at the table sharing a meal with her mother. Out of the blue her mom said: "You're meant to be a Mormon". What a miracle!!! The next day she accepted an official date for baptism... December 7th! After church we had a lesson. She explained how she was going to be speaking with her dad about the decision she's made to join the church. She was really nervous about how he would react. We said a prayer and she went to speak with him. Later that evening we got a text from her. She said that her dad was so happy he almost cried!! That was also a huge miracle. It was another answer to her prayers. She knows with the greatest surty that she's on the right path. Heavenly Father has a specific plan for each and everyone of us! Also, she bought herself a CTR ring on Amazon and wears it everyday. It's so awesome haha.

T is still doing great. He loves the gospel and has promised to live all the commandments we've taught him. This kid is meant to be a gospel doctrine teacher haha. He understands Isaiah like nobody's business.

On Sunday evening the members had a devotional with Elder Ballard and Elder Christofferson. V wanted to go, so we were able to attend. While there, I got to see C! In case you don't remember, C is someone I taught back in Ann Arbor. He decided days before his baptism that he didn't want to go through with it. It was so sad! I got transferred soon after and didn't hear much about him while down in Ohio. I recently found out that the sisters have been working with him again! Yesterday at the devotional, C told me that he's getting baptized!!! Ahhhh it was the BEST moment. I am so happy for him and I'm so thankful that the sisters didn't give up on him. John 4:35-36 rung true!! I love this work and I love Heavenly Father's perfect plan.
I've learned a lot about sacrifice this week. The most important thing we can learn to sacrifice in this life is own will. We are here to follow the Savior's example in saying "thy will be done". I was reminded of King Lamoni's father from the Book of Mormon. When Ammon goes to meet him, King Lamoni wants to kill him. Ammon hurt him enough that he couldn't use his arm. In that moment, King Lamoni was willing to give up HALF of his kingdom for his life. The story continues and Ammon ends up teaching him. At the end, King Lamoni is willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING to know Heavenly Father and Jesus. I think that's an amazing example!! He was willing to sacrifice half for his life, and everything for Jesus. Take a moment to think about all that Heavenly Father has sacrificed for you. Think about all that the Savior has sacrificed for you. It's a lot isn't It?... How much are you willing to sacrifice for them? 

Sacrifice is an eternal principle. It's one that brings a whole lot of joy. The blessings Heavenly Father will give you in return will always far outweigh the sacrifice you give him. As your relationship grows closer, sacrificing for him will become a privilege that you have.

This morning, I finished the Book of Mormon! I love the Book of Mormon. It has blessed my life in countless ways. This time around, I underlined every time someone was strengthened by the hand of the Lord. It was really cool! I have a strong testimony that the Godhead is the "same yesterday, today, and forever". In the scriptures we read about some pretty amazing miracles. The righteous were very blessed!! Heavenly Father carried them through some very hard things. I've learned that He does the same for us! We may not be wandering through the literal wilderness, but we are facing a lot crazy stuff. Heavenly Father is involved in the details of your life! He loves you and will give you the strength to accomplish all that he asks of you. One of my favorite scriptures from this week is Ether 6:6-7. The Jaradites were in the water for over 400 days. As they cried unto the Lord he protected them, because of their obedience. Trust in him! Keep the commandments and ask for his help. He will give you the strength you need. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Book of Mormon is true. It was written for us.

We have transfers this week!! I'll let you know what happens asap:) I really hope I'm here till I die(aka go home)

I love you all!

Sister Sedlacek
