"Can you guys help me be baptized?"

Only 52 days til Christmas! 

Hello guys!!

How is everyone?! I hope you are doing so good.

I am doing amazing. We had a great week! I love sister Jensen!! She's an awesome missionary and we are having so much fun.

I'll first tell you about those we are teaching...

T had his baptismal interview this week and he passed with flying colors! We focused a lot on the Savior and it led to some amazing lessons. He has gained a strong testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He has learned to rely on him. We took him to a baptism on Saturday morning, and he absolutely loved it. He is so excited for Saturday!! After church yesterday, he was like: "At this time next week, I'm going to have the Holy Ghost! I can't wait". He has so much enthusiasm for living the gospel and it's so inspiring!!

We taught V about the gospel of Jesus Christ and it was a very special lesson. A couple of weeks ago, she asked us how to repent and so we taught her about it. When we got to the repentance section we followed up with her. She has been repenting daily and she loves it. She expressed how she no longer feels guilty for the things she's done in her life. Hearing that made me so happy!! I am so happy that she understands the joys of repentance. She talked about how Jesus Christ has helped her to change her focus. Her life is heading down a completely different path and she is learning to recognize the peace that the gospel brings. We also took her to the baptism on Saturday, and she also loved it! 

We found a new friend this week! Her name is L. On Thursday we met with her for the first time and it was amazing. She opened up to us and we were able to teach her about the Savior and his love for her. The spirit was really strong as we read from the Book of Mormon about His atonement. She started out feeling really crappy and by the time it was over, she was feeling a lot better. At one point in the lesson she said that she's always wanted to be baptized, but hasn't been because they don't baptize in her church. She asked: "Can you guys help me be baptized?" It was so cool!! As soon as we explain baptism and why it's important, we will work with her to figure out a date! She's excited to keep learning. We are grateful for the miracle that she is!

On Saturday afternoon we had the wonderful opportunity to hear from an apostle!! President Ballard came and spoke to us and the Lansing mission. We were seated on the 2nd row and I can't express how amazing it was to be that close! The spirit was so thick. I know without a doubt that President M. Russell Ballard has been called of God. Everything he said was amazing, but today I'll share just one thought. He talked about how we need to "let our minds go to Gethsemane" daily. I love that thought!! He spoke about the importance of remembering Christ. Never forget how much he suffered for YOU. Take time out of each day to be holy. Thank him by letting him help you.
At the end of the meeting we were each given the opportunity to look President Ballard in the eye and shake his hand. That was also a wonderful experience and I'll remember it forever.

I've been thinking and studying a lot about Jesus Christ and the call he gave to his apostles. He asked them to be "fishers of men". He has given the same call to each and everyone of us. Take time each day to pray for ministering opportunities. Pray to have charity for those around you. Pray to see their needs and pray to be able to help them. As you look outside of yourself, you will feel joy. You will never regret serving others for Him!!

I also would encourage you to look up hymn #113. He loves you!

I will hit my 15th month mark this week. I'm not quite sure where the time has gone, but it has been the best 15 months of my life. I came across a quote that describes the way I feel towards the work. It says; "The greatest decision I ever made in my life was to give up something I dearly loved to the God I loved even more."
I'm excited for the next few months. I love serving my Savior.

Thank you for all the support! I love you all ❤🍁

Sister Sedlacek 

P.s. enjoy the pictures and Merry Christmas 🎁⛄🎅❤ 
