The week when we got asked to share a message with the whole basketball team!

Hello hello hello!!!

How's everyone doing?! I hope things are going well for each of you :)

My week was fantastic!
We had transfers! I stayed in the area and sister Cook left. It was so sad!!!! The good news is that she is still in the district!! I'll see her every Wednesday so yay! I loved being her comp. We had way too much fun hahaha. 

On Wednesday I got a call from President. He asked me to train for the 6th time! I was so surprised haha. After round 5, I thought I had done my time haha. I am very grateful for the opportunity though. My new comp is named Sister Jensen. She is super cool. She's from Arizona and she does musical theatre. I'm not kidding when I say she came out pre-trained. She's so awesome!! She knows how to speak with people and she is so fired up about the work. We are going to see some miracles over the next 2 transfers!

Our people are doing so well!

V is progressing right along. We taught her the plan of salvation and she loved it. She's had some death in her family, and this provided her a lot of peace. She desires so deeply to end up in the celestial kingdom. She understands the importance of baptism and is excited to make her first covenants. V has been such a good example for me! She has so much faith and so much love for the Savior.

T is also doing so good. We have one more lesson to teach him! He came to stake conference yesterday and he loved it. He's been listening to President Nelson's conference talks and he loves those too. It's allowed him to gain a strong testimony that he's been called of God.
This morning we taught him about the temple and family history. It was so cool! He said he feels that the temple is a great description of Heavenly Father's love. I couldn't agree more!! I love the temple and I'm also really grateful for family history work. His baptism interview is coming up this week and the big day is set for November 9th! Mark your calendars. It's gonna be awesome haha.

One day this week, we were sitting in the student center doing some studies. A man walked up and asked us who we were. We spoke with him for a few minutes and he said: "I love and support the work you're doing". He then went on to say that he wants us to come and share a message with the whole basketball team! How cool is that?!?! Always be aware of your actions and words. There is always someone watching. You never know who you might influence.

We also had a cool miracle today. We got a text during lunch from a potential we never got to meet with. Her name is L. She apologized for never getting back to us, and she wants to meet on Wednesday!!

I've thought a lot about prayer this week. I am so grateful for the ability we've been given to communicate directly with our Father in Heaven. There are a lot of things I love about the mission, but teaching people how to pray is one of my favorites. There is nothing better than hearing someone pray for the very first time!! 

I have a very strong testimony of prayer. It has been a huge blessing to me and I know it works. Heavenly Father really listens and he really cares about the simple things!! If something is important to you, it's important to him. That doesn't mean he is going to give you whatever you ask, but he will always give you what you need. Prayer has taught me that we are never alone in any decision or trial that's in front of us. He is always there and he desires to help. It doesn't matter how long you've been gone. He loves you. 1 Nephi 11:17.

I also want to leave you with a quote that I came across this week: "the way through difficulties has always been prepared for you, and you will find it if you exercise faith" -President Henry B. Eyring.
I testify that is true!

I hope you have a fabulous week.
I love you all!!

Sister Sedlacek
