November 18: The nickname "Mormons" has people really confused

Hey everyone!

I am doing great, and my week was busy and fun!

It was a bit colder this week, but nothing too bad :) it's gonna get so much worse haha. This week the weather is a lot warmer! We've got temps in the 40s each day! I'm so excited haha :) people are more willing to speak with us when it's warmer outside.

I'll start with an update on our recent converts.
L is doing so well! His heart is so open. He loves learning and progressing. He received the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday! After his ordination we asked how he felt and he said "holy". I never thought I'd teach someone like him, and I'm so glad I had the chance! He is going to be a great strength to his family in China when he goes back in a few years.

One week post baptism and T is doing fantastic. He came out teaching with us, and he did awesome! He is getting excited to receive the priesthood and he wants to serve a mission!!!! He said he can see himself serving in the United Arab Emirates haha. I'm not even sure if there's missionaries over there, but he might just be the first!

The people we are currently working with are awesome. I'm super grateful for all of them!

V just continues to do amazing. She joined the ward choir and is already the best missionary ever! She's inviting anyone and everyone to her baptism in a couple weeks. She's also been an awesome member missionary to her mom!! She's invited her to read the Book of Mormon, and they are going to church together next week. The gospel is going to be a huge blessing to her family. I can't wait to see all the good that comes because of V's choices. It's a humbling experience!

We also have our friend S! We met him on campus a couple of weeks ago. He has a very strong faith in Christ! He studies theology and loves learning about religion. He even has his own bible study class! When we meet people like S, they usually just want to bash us haha. But he has been so kind! We've had a couple really awesome lessons with him. We showed him the "Because of Him" video and he absolutely loved it! The nickname "Mormons" has people really confused. Most people don't believe we are Christian and after watching, he realized that we actually are! 

The members have been involved and we are establishing lots of common ground. He's also reading the Book of Mormon, and is finding things that he likes :)
I'm excited to see what happens with him!

This week I studied Jacob 5. I absolutely love Jacob 5! I want to share part of verse 65 with each of you. It says; "And as they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once." 

When I read this verse, my mind went immediately to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I love the ending; "ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once." Each of us is full of imperfections. We all have things that are "bad" and we all have room for growth and improvement. It can be easy to get discouraged when you aren't growing as fast as you'd like. This verse reminded me that being healed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ isn't a one time event. It's a process and its impossible to complete by yourself. We each need time, and we each need Christ. He accepts you as YOU ARE, but doesn't expect you to stay the same. He knows how to help you perfectly and he does it one step at a time! :) 

As we each live the simple principles of the gospel, and turn to Jesus Christ we will improve every single day. Pray to have patience with yourself! Be happy with who you are, but don't expect to stay the same. You have a Heavenly Father and a Savior who love you very much. Don't forget that this week!

I'm thankful for the love and support I feel from each of you! Good luck this week!

I love you all!
