November 25: Things I'm Thankful For

Hey guys!!

Today's email is going to be a bit shorter... we've been very busy today :)

My week was quite lovely!!

I just love teaching people about the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing better than feeling the spirit testify through you. I love watching others gain a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!! It makes all the rejection so worth it.

V is still doing fantastic! We finished her lessons and she's getting baptized next week!!! She is SO excited and I am so excited for her.
We've been struggling to find new people to teach. On Wednesday night, a member offered to fast with us.... It resulted in the coolest miracles!! We spoke to the nicest people and got a whole bunch of phone numbers. We also found a new person to teach. Her name is K! She is the sweetest girl. She is almost completely blind and has the cutest little service dog. Because of the trials she's been through, she struggles to feel Heavenly Father's love. We had an amazing lesson all about that. By the end, she was able to recognize a lot of blessings that have come from him. 

I have a huge testimony of fasting!! I know that it works and I'm grateful for the miracles that came because of it.

Since it's Thanksgiving week I'm going to share some of the things I'm grateful for:

1. The Michigan Detroit Mission. I love my mission so much.

2. The Book of Mormon.

3. A loving Heavenly Father and His perfect plan.

4. I'm grateful for Jesus Christ and his atonement.

5. I'm grateful for the temple and the covenants we make there

6. Last but not least, I'm grateful for my amazing family and friends!!! My life is so blessed because of each of you.

Take time to thank Heavenly Father for all the blessings he's given you. As you pray, try not to ask for things. I promise that it'll open your eyes and heart to new understanding. As you take time to be thankful, you will recieve even more blessings!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Holiday calories don't count so remember to stuff your faces ;)

I love you all!

Sister Sedlacek

Also p.s. December 1st is this week?!?! How wild is that? Time moves so quick. 
