November 11: Winter Wonderland

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful day :)

Winter has arrived here in Michigan! It's been snowing all day and isn't supposed to stop for the next day or two. It's gonna be a cold, but fun week!! There's nothing like sharing the gospel in 20° weather hahaha.

My week was fantastic! I'm so happy and so grateful to be here!!! The MDM is the happiest place on earth. #mostdesirablemission ;) There's nowhere else I'd rather be.

T got baptized on Saturday!! It was such a wonderful experience. On Friday night, he read the entire book of Mosiah instead of going to sleep because he was so excited. When they got in the font, he was so happy that he literally almost baptized himself haha. He just couldn't wait to get in the water! As I say every time, nothing compares to watching someone make their first covenants with Heavenly Father. It is such a joyful experience! He was confirmed on Sunday. He texted us that night and said it was "the best part of his day." He has so much enthusiasm for the gospel of Jesus Christ! We can't wait to see where the gospel takes him in life.

Then we have V. We taught her the commandments this week. She committed to live the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity. A couple of days after the lesson she texted us a picture of her coffee in the trash :') #miracle!! I am so proud of her!! She has so much faith in Heavenly Father and the Savior. She is willing to follow them even when she doesn't understand all the reasons why.

We have a couple of other individuals who we picked up this week! Their names are L and S. They are so cool!! I'll share more about them next week :)

On Tuesday we had interviews with President Sorensen. It was awesome. I am so grateful for the Sorensens and the way they've blessed my life! I am so happy that I've had the chance to have 2 mission presidents. I seriously feel so lucky! I can't imagine my life without either of them. I've learned that there are so many different ways to do missionary work that are inspired and successful!

On Wednesday we had zone conference. I just love zone conference!! We talked a lot about obedience and finding. I received some good revelation for the area. We also got to hear a little bit about the new handbook that's coming out on Thursday!! It's going to be so exciting. What a great time to be a missionary.

This morning in my studies I was thinking a lot about becoming as Christ is. I was reading in chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel. As I studied it took me to John chapter 13. This chapter talks about Jesus Christ washing the feet of his disciples and it teaches us a lot about His character.
Here are verses 15 & 17: "For I have given you an EXAMPLE, that ye should do as I have done to you. If ye know these things, HAPPY are ye if ye do them." 

I love those verses!! Christ came and he set the example for us. As we follow his lead we will be HAPPY! I am grateful to know him. I'm grateful for his gospel and the peace it's brought to my life. He came to earth and suffered for each and everyone of us. His atonement is what makes it possible for us to change and become like him. He doesn't demand perfection. As we do our best to live the gospel and pray for his help, we will recieve it! The way has already been prepared for us to succeed.

I'm not sure what the weather is like in Utah, but if it's cold... stay warm haha!

I love you all! ❤⛄

Sister Sedlacek
